Title: The Fire Within
Series: The Dragon Trilogy, Book 1
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Author:Chris D’lacey
Lexile: [?] 630L
ATOS Level: [?] 4.1
Parent Rating:
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Go For Ages: 9-12


When college student David Rain rents a room in an unusual boardinghouse full of clay dragons, he has no idea that one of the dragons, along with some lively squirrels, will help jumpstart his writing career.


A sweet story that is appropriate even for precocious readers. Lucy, the main girl protagonist, can act like a brat but is generally a good kid.


None, though an adult ‘cussed’ and another says a ’swear word’.  [?]

Sexual Content



None-a grownup drinks ‘ginger beer’, but it’s like root beer, fyi.


A squirrel that is a bit of a pet dies and that may distress younger children. A village wants to kill a dragon with spears.


A grownup tells a ‘fib’ and also steals acorns to help a squirrel. An 11 year-old girl kicks a door shut in a neighbor’s face. Lucy coerces a grownup to disobey her mother. Lucy lives with her mom and the Dad is never mentioned.


Reference to Noah and the Ark.

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