Book Review: Mission: In Search of the Time and Space Machine

by Melissa on January 20, 2010 · 0 comments

in 9-12, ATOS 5.0-5.9, Part of a series or set

Title: Mission: In Search of the Time and Space Machine
Series: Spy Force, Book 1
Publisher:Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books
Author:Deborah Abela
Lexile: [?] TBD
ATOS Level: [?] 5.1
Parent Rating:
VN:F [1.9.7_1111]
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
GO For Ages: 9-12


An eleven-year-old, bored with her life, imagines a more exciting one as a secret agent, but when she spends the summer on her aunt’s farm, her stories become reality as she stumbles onto a real spy ring.


A strong female character, but she does have some issues with her mom that parents of tweens will want to be aware of.


None [?]

Sexual Content

Grownups kiss and get a little mooshy.


Bad guys use something to knock the kids out.


Some peril when the kids are chased and caught by bad guys. A character’s mom died of cancer.


Max has some issues with her mom about her job and her parents divorce, thinks her mom finds work more interesting than her. ‘If you’d made more time to be with us indstead of your dumb job, maybe Dad wouldn’t have left us in the first place.’ Cartoon drawing of her mom’s angry face yelling at her. They only ever eat ’salads and low-fat meals that wouldn’t cause pimples, increase stress or make you fat.’ Max thinks her mom only makes time for herself and work.


Bad guy says, ‘Evil is in the eye of the beholder.’

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