Book Review: The Coming of Dragons

by Melissa on January 7, 2010 · 0 comments

in 9-12, ATOS 5.0-5.9, Adventure, Fantasy, Part of a series or set

Title: The Coming of Dragons
Series: Darkest Age, Book 1
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books
Author: A.J. Lake
Lexile: [?] TBD
ATOS Level: [?] 5.6
Parent Rating:
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GO For Ages: 9-12


Two eleven-year-olds named Edmund and Elspeth discover that they have been given fantastic gifts to use against the ancient and evil forces that have been awakened by powerful magic during the Dark Ages in Great Britain.


This book nearly earned a ‘pause’-a bit dark for this age-range.  Quite a bit of battle violence, violence towards children. Not a good read before bedtime and not for sensitive kids.  Better for 10 and up.


None, aside from one reference to ‘the hounds of hell’. [?]

Sexual Content





Brief description of a man drowning, what drowned bodies look like. Description of an attack on a village as dreamed by a boy-stumbling over bodies, people on fire, babies crying, people being attacked. Child senses something ‘huge and dark’ over him-kinda creepy. Man threatens and cuts a child. Child can ’see’ through the eyes of others and animals, ’sees’ through eyes of animal before it is killed. Girl is attacked an knocked unconscious. Later, tortured-tied up and hurt.  Child drags dead body.


Child thinks he should face death with a ‘man’s resolve, not shivering like a whipped dog.’


Prayer to God, ‘new Christian faith’, ‘tell God your sins’, ‘gods’, feeling of evil that conjured a dragon

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