Book Review: The Homeschool Liberation League

by Melissa on December 18, 2009 · 2 comments

in 9-12, Family & Relationships, School Life

Title:The homeschool liberation league
Publisher: Dial
Author: Lucy Frank
Lexile: [?] 630L
ATOS Level: [?] 4.1
Parent Rating:
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Pause For Age Range: 9-12


Thirteen-year-old Katya convinces her parents to try homeschooling her for a month, but while she is finally excited about learning-and about Milo, the violin prodigy who lives nearby-not everything works out as she had hoped.


If you are looking for a book for homeschooled kids, this probably isn’t the book you are looking for.  It’s basically a teen throwing a fit until her parents let her have her way, mostly.  Pretty anti-school, but I wouldn’t call it pro-homeschooling, either.  Too mature for the publisher’s age range of 9-12!  Probably best for closer to 13-14 year-olds.


Level 1, 2, 3 [?]

Sexual Content

Teen makes up story of principal having affair and ‘marital relations’ with secretary, says a teacher didn’t ‘expose himself’ to her, mention of a girl who ‘got in trouble’ in high school (teen pregnancy).  Teens kiss, one that is fairly intense.


Grownups smoke cigarettes and cigars, Chardonnay and home-made beer mentioned




Some anti-school sentiment, disrespect of principal/teachers, multiple comments on body shape of girls, some struggle between the girl who wants to homeschool and her parents who don’t want her to.


Brief prayers for help by teen.

Note: You can click on the key words or categories to see more info, by author, age or topic.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Helga Hein May 21, 2010 at 9:15 am

it didnt say anything about a girl who got in trouble (pregnancy)

Melissa York Caddell May 21, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Hey Helga! It was a brief mention at the first part of the book, as I recall. I put it in because the age-range of the book is so young and wanted to give parents a heads up if their child asked what that meant (getting in trouble).

Let me know if you have other concerns!
Thanks for stopping by!

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